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-, Selma, CA 93662

Products & Services

Car Detailing - EZ Detail

  • Auto Detailing

    We are Highly Mobile Car Detailing in Fresno. This is a great and budget friendly service. It doesn't take all day, yet delivers a lot of bang for buck. If you recently bought a new vehicle and want it to stay looking new, or just haven't waxed your car for a while and want it to pop again, this may be your solution. Benefits include: Insane Gloss, Depth of Color, UV Protection, Chemical Resistance, Car stays cleaner longer.

  • Car Washing

    We are Highly Mobile Car Detailing in Fresno. This is a great and budget friendly service. It doesn't take all day, yet delivers a lot of bang for buck. If you recently bought a new vehicle and want it to stay looking new, or just haven't waxed your car for a while and want it to pop again, this may be your solution. Benefits include: Insane Gloss, Depth of Color, UV Protection, Chemical Resistance, Car stays cleaner longer.

  • Car Detailing

    We are Highly Mobile Car Detailing in Fresno. This is a great and budget friendly service. It doesn't take all day, yet delivers a lot of bang for buck. If you recently bought a new vehicle and want it to stay looking new, or just haven't waxed your car for a while and want it to pop again, this may be your solution. Benefits include: Insane Gloss, Depth of Color, UV Protection, Chemical Resistance, Car stays cleaner longer.

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